... and for those interested another link that I just found on the
same subject, by a woman and another Tony 


Notice how the spin lock was invented!

> Hello,
> It is interesting to see that this was all done already in 
> the past, see:
> http://www.inwap.com/pdp10/paper-smp.txt
> Also see this interwiew of Bill Gates and notice how he says 
> that the PDP10 was a fantastic machine:
> http://americanhistory.si.edu/collections/comphist/gates.htm#tc4
> That was when he was allowed to use a PDP-10 at nights,
> thus when he was about 12. Further research show that this early
> TOPS-10 "timesharing" single processor OS did work 
> internally like the QL's QDOS. However UNIX was free within 
> universities, hence was successfull, and Digital Equipment 
> favored its VAX line of OSes, based on similar algorithms 
> than UNIX. That lead them to the end within about 20 years. 
> In the meantime Microsoft had grown enough with a ugly but 
> _working_ monotasking system (MS-DOS it was named) and could 
> hire a technical leader at DEC. Bill hired the chief 
> designer of the VAX products which lead to NT, 2000, XP, 
> Vista etc.. instead of those great developers of that 
> fantastic Tops-10. The right technology was killed a second 
> time. Sinclair Research and Tony Tebby came about 15 years 
> after DEC and did reinvent the wheel but was not successfull 
> either. As I am optimistic I think that the better 
> technology wins in the end, but it must come at the right 
> time (the story of gas vs electric engines in cars). So it 
> must be reinvented many times. IMHO it is definitely not Linux...
> Happy new year 
> Arnould

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