> I don't have that plugin in Firefox 3.0.4 on the Mac and Windows and it
> works.  I do though *hate* flashing on the display.  I find it very hard
> to concentrate on other parts of the display.

Works fine on Linux with Firefox 3.04 here as well.

I agree about the flashing though, very annoying. One of my old HTML 4
books mentions something called "marquee" and says that it flashes text
on screen. (Probably IE only though, back then!) The other advice it
gives about using "marquee" is "Don't"!

Talking of IE, have you all seen this:


Now although it says that only IE 7 is affected, yesterday Microsoft
confirmed that it affects all versions of IE. Our It section here at
work are investigation and we are still on IE 5.5 - due to imp[roper
code written for some of our web based apps!

Also mentioned above, is the fact that "IE is used by the vast majority
of web users" (I Paraphrase) but looking at the stats for
qdosmsq.dunbar-it.co.uk, I can see that by far the most people hitting
my site use Mozilla browsers.

Anyway, whatever you use, stay safe!

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