In message <>, Norman Dunbar <> writes
<SNIP>, I can see that by far the most people hitting
my site use Mozilla browsers.
Probably biased by the interest of the people hitting the site. M$ still have the largest market share although it is dwindling slowly.

Anyway, whatever you use, stay safe!
All browsers have inherent problems and security holes. It just depends who is looking where.

In respect of why some sites don't work this is down to a disagreement on what HTML code is. Firefox will not display my Myspace site correctly although IE7 (and IE8) does. It is not that one browser is wrong - just that they keep bickering. Oh the wonders of competition.
Roy Wood
Q Branch. 20 Locks Hill, Portslade, Sussex.BN41 2LB
Tel/ Fax: +44 (0) 1273 430501 NOTE NEW PHONE NUMBER!
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