Norman Dunbar wrote, On 30/07/09 21:41:

I don't have the original microdrive cartridges to hand _ i'm not sure
if I still have them, however, I do have one of my old backup floppies.
Unfortunately I can't read it with QPC under Linux - I still haven't
finished writing my filesystem driver for QDOS floppies!

However, I'll take the floppy to work tomorrow and see if I can still
read it. It's been a few years since I last read or wrote to the dick so
it may be a bit flaky.
That reminds me of the QL man (shall remain nameless, but he knows who he is (8-)# ) who said to Roy Wood once that "I have my new hard dick in my laptop".
Very nice typo.
One question though, was Digital C on the "Digital Package" with all the
disks by any chance - I can't remember off hand and the same problem
above applies - I can't read the disc. (Yet!)


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