On 5 Nov 2002, at 17:28, Norman Dunbar wrote:

> Indeed we do, so here's my take on it. 

> When your initial email came through, I though 'oh bloody hell, the
> shit is really going to hit the fan now !'. Why ? Because in a public
> forum you made quite serious accusations against other parties. Now,
> whether or not your accusations are true, a public forum is not the
> place to be making them.

Actually I agree. And since this seems to be such an important 
point for many people here, I'll break one of my rules and tell you 
that I had sent copy of this email to D&D ..  ONE WEEK AGO 

> I believe you can be held responsible for
> what you write (say) in an email. (I think Demon got shafted some time
> back simply because they allowed a usenet posting to remain on their
> servers after being informed that it was incorrect etc.)

I'l quite willing to be held repsonsible for the question I asked. 

> So, have you tried to communicate with D&D to find out if what you say
> is true, or whether they have some other arrangments etc ? 
> If you have
> asked and not received any replies then there may well be a problem
> and if so, it should be sorted out between the 'interested' parties
> and not aired in public. If there does turn out to be a good reason,
> they you may well end up with egg on your face. I believe you have put
> yourself is a pretty awkward situation.

Again, OK.
> >> Heck, if you think D&D are right, say so, and also if you think
> >> they are wrong.
> If D&D are not paying Tony then they must have a reason for not paying
> Tony. This brings questions to mind, such as 
> - do they have a separate agreemaent with Tony ?

No, they don't.

> - have they inherited some other agreement with Tony indirectly
> through any previous dealing between the Grafs and Tony ? - are they
> possibly saving up a whole pile of payments to Tony and submitting
> them infrequently rather than EUR10 here and there ? - etc.

The fact is, that all of this could and should have been discussed 
between them and me (or even them and TT previously. That hasn't 
been the case, not because I wasn't trying.
> On the other hand, until all the facts are known, it is best not to
> make judgement - especially in public.

You know, what I actually would like best, would be to be proven 
wrong. I can live with then having egg all over my face.

> Personally, I think you should have found out, or tried to find out
> why no payments are/were being made and dealt with the matter through
> private means. In the event of no success, turned the matter over to
> Tony - it is his money after all, but putting the details on a public
> forum was wrong.

I did and I did and I still believe it wasn't.


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