----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, November 07, 2002 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: [ql-users] Software pirates in our midst?

> On 7 Nov 2002, at 0:52, Mike MacNamara wrote:
> >
> > Hi Folks
> > I was going to keep out of this, I am not going to takes
> > BUT, there seems to be an opinion that the License controlled
> > Wolfgang is a final solution to the SMSQ debate.
> Well, legally - yes.
> > I would just like to note that several folks have not agreed
> > this license,
> Indeed.
> > else they would have asked Wolfgang to be a
> > reseller, surely then, as they do not wish to agree to new
terms, they
> > must be legally able to continue as they did before the
license was
> > envisaged,
> No, sorry, this is wrong. If you don't agree with the licence,
> you stop.
Do you mean that the many copies I have of SMSQ, if I don't agree
to be bound a a new imposed license, are illegal. That can't be
right, I have bought an item, and must surely be able to continue
using it, while still being entitled to expect it is repaired or
updated under warranty, ( sale of goods acts)
> >  in other words before they can be held to have to comply
> > with a new set of rules, they would have to agree these
> NO. Sorry,, this sounds harsh, but the licence holder may
> the licence. If you don't agree wiht the licence, then you just
> walk away.
Not when he has been paid for and concluded the sale.
> > Otherwise the new license would not apply to them. You can't
decide to
> > change the terms of sale, long after you sold the item,
without the
> > consent of the buyer.
> True - so nothing changes WITH THE ITEMS THEY HAVE SOLD
> > If they don't want to be held liable to this
> > license, why should they pay a new charge, they will be able
> > continue with the contract they already have
> In this respect, you are right.
> But, they are selling new versions now.
According to D&Ds post, the 'repair' was minor, to make the item
able to be used for the purpose it was purchased. If the Grafs
have purchased a license to use SMSQ with Q40/60, then surely
they must get SMSQ/E that works with that platform, if not, then
they have been sold something unsuitable for the purpose it was
Sorry to labour the point, not only I, but hundreds of others,
have purchased multiple copies of SMSQ/E with various bits and
bobs over many years. Don't tell me now that the copies Roy Wood
sells of SMSQ Gold which has been altered (not just repaired) is
illegal, and that I am a pirate.


> Wolfgang

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