On 7 Nov 2002, at 0:40, dndsystems1 wrote:

> No they are not illegal, the O/S is the same as it always was. Before
> D&D started production a fault was repaired that had been there for
> some time, very minor but it stopped the O/S performing as it should.
Dennis, let me enlighten you a little bit here. Perhaps this will 
actually help you.

The fact is that YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED to repair a fault in the 
OS - just like you would not be allowed to take a book from an 
author and change some sentences in it because you find them 
The OS is NOT yours or anybody else's to change - unless the 
authior has agrred to it.
Guess what : he has agreed to this - provided, however, that, if 
these changes are to incoprporated into e version sold by anyone, 
they are reported to  AND AGREED TO by me.

Has this happended? NO.

> This is documented in QL Today and elsewhere, quite old and well
> accepted, nothing to do with anything else, it was Q40 specific.

That doesn't change anything.

> Why
> do you belive what has been written before? If nothing has changed why
> is the O/S wrong today? 

The 'OS' isn't wrong. You are just selling something which you are 
not allowed to sell.

> You have been lead up a false trail with no
> evidence, unfortunately you believed it.

And rightly so!

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