In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> Plugged in the HDD Led where? Just so we're clear, my CF adapters 
> (assuming you're using one of mine from Darren) do not have HDD led 
> pins on them.
The LED is in the case, control by two pins on the ISA I/O card. The
LED never lights up in use, but know it works as when I pass electricity
through it, it lights up green.

> As for plugging the CD ROM on. I have found that in some case plugging a 
> second device (CD ROM or HDD) at the end of the cable, solves many 
> problems. Sure as heck you can't hurt anything (since you don't have data 
> on your card anyway). Also look if the CF adapter has any pins bent. 
> Please also tell me which kind of CF adapter you have. The half length 
> Hot-Removable or the full length standard.
Neither, I have the one made by Quazar, at the link below
The CF is by Kingston using Toshiba chips and the CF mentions Assy in
Tiawan. The CF is the master. Apart from asking Quazar to make a short
cable where can I buy one?

> Finally, remember that you have to have the CF plugged in BEFORE you power 
> on.
> An additional thing you may want to consider is to try to use Atari-Fdisk 
> from Q40 Linux.
> All you need to do is get the following files: lxx (executable), vmlinux 
> and ramimg.gz. If you don't have a Q40 Linux CD I'd be happy to send them 
> over.
Thanks for the offer to email them to me.
                        Tarquin Mills 

RUNG (RISC OS Users, Norfolk Group)

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