In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 04, 1999 at 01:10:01AM +0000, Paul Gregg wrote:
> # In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:
> # > On Mon, Jan 04, 1999 at 12:39:33AM +0000, Paul Gregg wrote:
> # > # If you are in control of the local delivery then you already can control
> # > # who sends mail to your database.  Why can't you use procmail?
> # > not every machine has procmail, or wants to run procmail
> # 
> # Lessee... You willing to hack up badmailfrom to create a badmailto patch
> # for Qmail 1.0[13], but can't or won't run procmail.  Someone please point
> # out the logic to me, I really can't see it.

> no, no one wanted to do anything to qmail 1.0[123]
> it is a feature request for qmail 2

Point taken. However although the thread is about (or was ment to) qmail-II
several people were talking about using existing patches and doing stuff

Let's move it back on track.

*If* Dan is to do anything about pre-accept rejection of SMTP messages then
it should most definately NOT be using a control file ala badrcptto or

The smtpd will have to know wether a rcpt to: address will be locally
deliverable or not and reject immediately. How Dan does it is really up
to him, he's infinately better at program design than I.

I'd see it working somthing like:

qmail-smtpd-accept -> qmail-smtpd-checkaddrs -> qmail-smtpd -> ....

qmail-smtpd-accept would accept the SMTP conversation up until the DATA
statement (so it knows that all rcpt to: statements are received),
then pass all data into checkaddrs which would be a custom prog much
like checkpoppasswd (i.e. you build in your own badmailfrom, badrctpto, etc
checking). If checkaddrs doesn't like any address is can print some error
message and exit, else normally it'll execvp qmail-smtpd an carry on.

> not all machines come with procmail installed, like the later versions of
> Linux, and not all sites WANT to install procmail, or need to for that
> matter.

There aren't many machines come with qmail installed either ;-)

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