In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you wrote:

> Your points may be valid and correct, but you only echoed what was originally
> stated anyway.  The "To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]" IS part of the body, not the RCPT
> TO:   The [EMAIL PROTECTED] stuff started when someone else said they'd like
> to bounce that too, but I just answered that.

I echoed what others had said, yes. But I had to pull it all together because
people were not grasping what was actually going on.

> Since I started this thread I can tell you without question what it's about
> and [EMAIL PROTECTED] isn't any part of it.  I want to reject mail being 
> sent to certain valid usernames, such as my database. I'd also like to bounce
> some mail to nonvalid usernames without accepting and bouncing afterward since
> they only double bounce anyway.   

To do this, then it requires qmail-smtpd to know everything that qmail-send
does.  It requires a major rethink and rewriting of the qmail system.
We'll have to see what dbj comes up with for Qmail-II - we know that many of
us would like to see such a feature.

> The problem with accepting and trashing the messages is that if mail is sent
> to the database (ferinstance) I'd have to filter out what is junk mail and
> what's valid - like cron results.

If you are in control of the local delivery then you already can control
who sends mail to your database.  Why can't you use procmail?

Email pgregg at | Email pgregg at    | Eight out of every
Technical Director        | System Administrator       | five people are math
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