On Sun, 16 Jan 2000 18:16:40 -0500 , Juan E Suris writes:
> I am interested in implementing this patch, but I am not sure how to do it.
> I am thinking of writing a wrapper around qmail-queue that reads the message
> and envelope, does all the necessary changes and forwards it to qmail-queue.
> What I don't know how to do is how to setup my wrapper to talk to
> qmail-queue after exec'ing it.

Well, you could start by using the
interface like a normal qmail-queue client.

The only thing that this leaves out is the return
code from qmail-queue, which you probably want to
pass on to your caller.  I would suggest making
"exitcode" in qmail_close (qmail.c) an external
variable, so you can access it from another module.

I'm in the progress of doing this myself -- just
need more time :-/
Chris Mikkelson  | If you throw your bread upon the waters, it shall come
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | back threefold, but only if you are willing to throw the
                 | recipe upon the waters as well...  -- Terry Lambert 

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