Hello all...

I finally got deeply disturbed about all the double-bounces coming into my
email box (sometimes 2500 after a weekend... :-( ) from the Hybris virus
([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and I figured I needed to create a personal filter
for my mailbox to filter these thingies out... So I did.

The proggie is simple (and included here) but most everything's hardcoded
into the program, so you'll need to modify it to suit yourself (& salt to
taste... ;-)

It's a *very* short Perl script, named (on my machine) killhahaha.pl, and
here's what my .qmail file reads:


and here's the script:


### Let's get the info first, to see if it's actually something
###  we need to control...

@zline = <STDIN>;

$limpy = grep (/TVqQAAMAAAAEAAAA/, @zline);

exit (0) if ($limpy == 0);

# Now, we know that we have a virus... send it to a separate file
# have the proggie die quietly while disregarding further delivery
# instructions in the .qmail file...

open (Q,">>/home/zmerch/hahainfo.txt");

# go thru each environment variable and write them to my logfile...

foreach $quack ( keys(%ENV) ) {
        print Q "ENV - $quack = $ENV{$quack}\n";

print Q "\n\n";

foreach $liner (@zline) {

# re-search for the beginning of the virus, because we don't
# need to save the entire virus payload to our data file...

        $limpy = grep (/TVqQAAMAAAAEAAAA/, $liner);
        last if ($limpy != 0);

        print Q "OMail:  $liner";


        print Q "\n=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=\n\n";

# Now exit the proggie & exit w/a #99 exit code to make
# qmail disregard any further lines in the .qmail file

close (Q);

exit (99);


Anyway, I hope this helps someone out there...

Roger "Merch" Merchberger
Roger "Merch" Merchberger   ---   sysadmin, Iceberg Computers
Recycling is good, right???  Ok, so I'll recycle an old .sig.

If at first you don't succeed, nuclear warhead
disarmament should *not* be your first career choice.

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