David Talkington wrote:
> John Wolford wrote:
> >qmail is running.
> Nope, not quite ...
> >If i check the ps listing, i see, in part:
> >[root@homer init.d]# ps -ef |grep qmail
> >root     29806 29805  1 Jun01 ?        02:43:31 supervise qmail-pop3d
> >root     29808 29805  0 Jun01 ?        00:00:00 supervise qmail-send
> >root     29810 29805  1 Jun01 ?        02:55:05 supervise qmail-smtpd
> That means svscan knows about it, but hasn't been told to start it.
> I don't know Thing One about the Mandrake rpm, so you may have an init
> script which does this, but what you specifically need to do is this
> (assuming here for the sake of argument that svscan uses /service as
> its working directory):
> # svc -u /service/qmail-*
> Then your ps should tell a very different story.
> Good luck -d
> - --
> David Talkington
> http://www.spotnet.org

In the case that you do already have an instance of tcpserver running
under your supervise (`pstree` command could be very helpful in
determining that =) ) instance, you probably do not have the appropriate
IP addresses allowed within tcpserver's rules.  Usually this is placed in
/etc/tcp.smtp and then built into a binary database which can be used by
tcpserver; but if its not (and I am also unfamiliar with the structure
used by these RPMs) you will have to find the script that supervise is
attempting to execute and give it a glance over to determine the location
of this file.

Nick (Keith) Fish
Network Engineer
Triton Technologies, Inc.

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