
Please bear with me this is new to me and I want to learn. I would like to
know where I put my tcpserver line, should it go in my qmail script file at
the top or bottom?  Or should I put in an exec bash file all by itself on
start up?  Can I have more than one tcpserver line to start different

I'm using this as my line in the top of my qmail script:

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup tacket.com
in/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 2>&1 |
er pop3d &

I noticed in the FAQ there are different tcpserver set-ups.  I set this up a
month ago and looking thru all this documentation I can't remember where I
copied this from, the FAQ didn't have the -R & -v options that I have.
Other tcpserver set-ups have qmail-smptd in it but I don't.  Do I need it?
So far I haven't had any problems with email; all 4 customers have been able
to send/recieve so I guess it's working ok, but I want it to work right.

I'm implementing the RELAYCLIENT option, [FAQ 5.4] and it says to insert
the -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb after the tcpserver in my qmail-smtpd invocation,
but qmail-smtpd isn't in my tcpserver line.  I added that line right after
the tcpserver and it didn't recognize my username or password, it failed.
So I put it back the way it was before.  I'm using Maildir on linux.


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