This is in reply to Dave/Jan...

I installed qmail thru the INSTALL file that came with the arhive, and LWQ.
I printed out all the documentation that came with qmail including the FAQ,
LWQ so I have papers scattered all over the place.  I also have various
bookmarks I got from the mailing list and internet.  Too bad there isn't a
qmail book that could tie all this info together.

By the way Jan, I'm using slackware 7.1 and qmail is being started in my
/etc/rc.d/rc.local file by the line "qmail start".  I guess I was wondering
why I had the tcpserver line in the top of my qmail script.  I tried to put
it on it's own separate line in the start up file, but it doesn't work.  I
tried putting the tcpserver line before the "qmail start" and then one line
after but it didn't recogize any usernames or passwords, so I'm leaving it
at the top of the qmail file where it works.

So I guess you answered my question on needing another tcpserver line for
qmail-smtpd because I'm running qmail-smtpd via
/var/qmail/supervise/qmail-smtpd/run, according to Dave.  So I don't have to
worry about having the -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb after the tcpserver in my
qmail-smtpd invocation.

I enter IPs in the /etc/tcp.smtp file and reload the tcp.smtp file with
"qmail cdb".  So I guess I'm in business....Thanks for you time guys/gals.

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