
Well, I'd like users and their passwords to be stored in a db table so I
could manage them with my own client front end. That's the main thing
I'm shooting for right now. There may be other possibilities but right
now that's my desire.

Your thoughts?


-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Kitchen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2004 11:08 PM
Subject: Re: [qmailadmin] MySQL Usage

On Sat, October 23, 2004 8:44 pm, Jay said:
> Hello,
> I just saw an email indicating that qmailadmin can somehow integrate 
> with mysql?  Is there any instruction material available that shows 
> how they may work in concert together?

qmailadmin links in the vpopmail library for managing the vpopmail users
database.  This makes it (mostly) transparent for qmailadmin/vpopmail to
be able to switch between backend types such as cdb, mysql, pgsql,
oracle, etc.

Work is being done to make vpopmail more abstract and to make qmailadmin
make better use of this abstraction (currently it does too much work
itself) however qmailadmin can interoperate with vpopmail/mysql very

Is there a specific function you wanted qmailadmin to perform while
interacting with mysql?


Jeremy Kitchen ++ Systems Administrator ++ Inter7 Internet Technologies,
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ++ ++ 866.528.3530 ++ 815.776.9465
        kitchen @ #qmail #gentoo on EFnet ++

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