On Sun, 2004-10-24 at 09:57 -0700, Admin wrote:
> Jeremy,
> I have someone else that manages my server. I did not 'just convert'. I
> have been using qmailadmin for a few years now and have the near latest
> version. I have perhaps a thousand email accounts running right now
> under the non-mysql method. I wouldn't do anything to disrupt that in
> advance of knowing exactly how to link the two.

understood, and there's no reason to do so.

> Is there any instruction material anywhere showing for instance what the
> names of the tables / fields must be? Where in qmail or vpop the
> information about connecting to the database is kept? Is there a way to
> test that things are working before one switches over. In other words,
> is there an SQL / NON-SQL config setting that I could toggle where I
> could revert if something wasn't working.

what I always do, is recompile vpopmail with mysql support (but do not
do a 'make install'), run vconvert from the source directory, test all
of the tools from the source directory, and then move the binaries into


Jeremy Kitchen ++ Systems Administrator ++ Inter7 Internet Technologies, Inc.
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ++ www.inter7.com ++ 866.528.3530 ++ 815.776.9465 int'l
        kitchen @ #qmail #gentoo on EFnet ++ scriptkitchen.com/qmail
           GnuPG Key ID: 481BF7E2 ++ scriptkitchen.com/kitchen.asc

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