Erik, Jake, and Philip, thank you immensely for the details! I really needed it. It probably would have taken me another two days to figure all that out, if not more. Perhaps a statement in the FAQ (3.6) as to why the sample-spam.txt included with Spamassassin is a poor test of the spambox function could save others a lot of hair-pulling...
   Thank you!

Erik A. Espinoza wrote:
Hi John,

Simscan + SpamAssassin rejects spam above 12 hits (by default) before
it hits the qmail-queue (hard reject). This is very obvious spam and
it is usually safe to reject at this many hits, as it is very unlikely
to be legitimate at this number of hits. SpamAssassin will also label
5-11.9 as ***SPAM***. The QmailAdmin spambox puts everything from
5-11.9 hits in the Spam folder for users. This is likely spam, but
without whitelists it can result in the occasional false positive.

For example, I use the QmailToaster at work for a local site of a
large megacorp. When we first migrated to the QmailToaster, the first
corporate e-mail going to all users came in, formatted all nasty in
outlook with images and lots of caps, SpamAssassin saw that as 5.1
hits (without a whitelist). Our users got the e-mail, albeit rewritten
as ***SPAM***, I added the corp to the whitelist and all has been well

Spambox would have moved this over to the Spam folder, making the
users inbox easier to follow.


On 3/27/07, John <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

    I'm the one that has been trying to get answers as to why the
infamous .Spam box gets created when I send the sample spam text to a
user with spam detection enabled. Thanks to those who tried to help out.
    In the end, I had to just keep reading on my own, and reverse
engineering Qmailtoaster in order to gain a better understanding of how
it all fits together. I've learned that Simscan rejects spam before it
ever reaches the Qmail queue for processing. My user's .Spam box never
gets created because the mailfilter script doesn't get called unless
Simscan passes it through. So the point of the infamous "spambox"
is...what, exactly?
    I.e., Qmailtoaster is working exactly as it was intended after all.
But, while I can see the advantage of having multiple spam filters, if
users--or System Administrators new to Simscan--want proof that it's not
rejecting valid email, the Spam box functionality should work at the
door, shouldn't it? Otherwise, the multiple tutorials on "how to create
spam folders so users can double-check that nothing useful is being
thrown away" seems like a false sense of security.
    Am I wrong about any of this?
-John B.

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