PakOgah wrote:
If you want to use it, you'll need to change the default in simscan, or
it will be deleting it before mailfilter can get it. What I've done is
put my scoring at 5.0 (in my, my mailfilter score at 10.0, and
my simscan score at 18.0.  That allows me to drop the mail that is
blatantly spam, while still training my Bayes for stuff that is spam but
still "sneaky".

Ok, lets me clarify it first Jake
tagged score (in set to 5 meaning all emails with score <5 will
not be tagged as SPAM
quarantine score (in mailfilter) set to 10. it means all emails <10 will
be delivered to user's email client --incl. those emails which score 5-9.9
were tagged SPAM
then cut-off score (in simscan) set to 18?? are you sure? why did you set
the score so high ? this will cause user mailbox get FULL because email
with score 10-18 kept on his SPAM folder ?

anyway didn't you realize, not SPAM are getting smarter ? they can get low
score <3
I think you set the score like that many SPAM will come to your users'

In my opinion tagged score = 3, quarantine score =5, cutoff score = 7
can you tell us the reason why you set the scores like that?

thx for sharing..
On the particular machine I named above the client builds casinos and sends a lot of gambling related emails to each other. They also want **NO**, and I repeat **NO*** emails deleted that should have gotten through. A lost email could cost them thousands in time and potential dealings. After 6 months of tweaking I've found that this particular setup works well for the majority of my clients. That's why I said "put _my_ scoring at". I also run a script that learns from the Spam folder and deletes the messages after 3 days to keep the system clean, which I should probably have mentioned in the email.

Your scores may work for you, especially if you're only running 1 domain or for a specific genre of company (or for personal). All of my servers are running multiple companies that are involved with various projects. Even my personal mail server that serves 6-7 domains for personal use gets emails from people that are legitimate that score in the 4-8 range. In my opinion it's better to add more rules to get the spam scores higher, rather than lower your scores to delete them sooner. In my experience, which is not authoritative, if you set the score at the values you have set you will lose 20% or more of your emails. That may be okay for you, but it's not for anyone I do business with. Granted most of that 20% will be forwarded jokes and what not, but it's still important to the secretary, and she will complain until she gets her way. I'm too busy to listen to that type of crap.

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