Too warm in bed brings this on in me.   Also,  Mirapex (for restless legs - 
spasms) seems to have something  to do with it as does Melatonin (for sleep).  
Maybe I'll switch back to  booze.  I REALLY hate the panic attacks.  I have to 
get up and sit in  front of a fan or go outside in the open.  Glad I'm not 
In a message dated 11/5/2007 9:47:55 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time,  

I had a bad morning. I got  overheated during the night, not much sleep. Then 
just as I got up, my nose  got stuffed up from allergies.  Though I wasn’t in 
AD (autonomic  Distraflexia), I had that same kind of feelings. Like not 
getting enough  oxygen, your too hot, your too cold, you want to get up, but 
you  want to lay down, almost a panic feeling. The more you think about it, 
the  worse it gets. My blood pressure, heart rate, temps, all ok, just the 
feeling  of not getting enough oxygen. 
This ever happen to  you? 
I feel like I’d like to have an  oxygen take close by, just for those bad 
days. I know it’s all in my head, but  I wonder if it would help. 


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