Hey Greg (and Dan),

 Well, I just spent 15 minutes dictating and correcting an e-mail to
you and the whole computer shut down.  Try number two!

 I have had asthma since I was very little (hereditary).  But it is
only triggered by a three or four things.  These are animal dander,
humidity, the powder found in latex gloves, and sometimes nerves. >
Although very rarely the latter.

Living here in the desert with such low humidity has never triggered
an asthma attack.  But I remember when we lived in Virginia seven
years ago my room would get stuffy and I would take a puff of
albuterol from my inhaler many mornings before my husband went to work
 when I would be alone.  That brought nerves into it a little.

I don't think I would go to the extreme of having an oxygen tank
unless you were diagnosed with some type of lung problem.  Perhaps
 when you do get overheated (stufy room too maybe) along with anxiety
you are experiencing a form of asthma.  Like Dan, just a puff for two
of albuterol from my inhaler helps me breathe better no matter what
the case.  I have not used it in a long, long, long time but it is
always in my backpack just in case.

 Lori Michaelson
 C4/5 complete quad, 28 years post
 Tucson, AZ
> On Nov 5, 2007 11:30 AM, Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Greg----I also forgot to mention that I keep a small hand held Albuteral
> > spray with my meds and usually during summer months , if I overheat or can't
> > get enough oxygen ... I just inhale a couple of sprays thru my mouth and in
> > a short time feel much better.                                Dan H.
> >
> >
> >
> > Danny Hearn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi,  Greg...I know exactly what you mean, this happens to me also at times.
> > Luckily for me my wife sleeps by me and can help by turning me or getting me
> > a med to help relax me.                                      Dan H.
> >
> > Greg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > I had a bad morning. I got overheated during the night, not much sleep. Then
> > just as I got up, my nose got stuffed up from allergies.  Though I wasn't in
> > AD (autonomic Distraflexia), I had that same kind of feelings. Like not
> > getting enough oxygen, your too hot, your too cold, you want to get up, but
> > the  you want to lay down, almost a panic feeling. The more you think about
> > it, the worse it gets. My blood pressure, heart rate, temps, all ok, just
> > the feeling of not getting enough oxygen.
> >
> > This ever happen to you?
> >
> > I feel like I'd like to have an oxygen take close by, just for those bad
> > days. I know it's all in my head, but I wonder if it would help.
> >
> > Greg
> >

C4/5 complete quad, 27 years post
Tucson, AZ

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