Im a c7 fairly functional quad, I remember an instance where I pulled up to a 
gas pump with my van for the sole purpose to see if I could gas my van up in a 
emergency. I got out and the first challenge was getting the credit card out of 
the slot once i pushed it in. Immediately some guy stopped and was helping me, 
this was a double edged sword. I appreciated his help but I didnt meet my 
personal goal. Eventually I went back and met the goal.
  In my situation as long as I know i can open a door, make a sandwich and all 
that fun stuff myself, I dont mind if someone helps me sometimes because it 
does save energy for the other things during the day.Im just at the ten year 
mark in a chair and Im trying to become more laidback about these things 
although I have my bad days.
  10 yrs in a chair today!!!!!!!!! woohoo         jan 16 98-  jan 16 08
  ron c7 
  Very well put W. I am a high level quad and I need help doing most things. 
The average AB can't recognize those of us quads or paras that need help and 
those that don't. Since I'm one of those quads that do need a lot of help, I'm 
always happy when someone opens a door or picks up something I dropped, etc., 
etc. It makes my day to know that in this increasingly selfish society, there 
are still people who will take a moment to help someone out. 

My type of disability won't get better - only worse over time. I remember 
having a discussion with an OT and she said 'Sure Dan, you can struggle to get 
your shirt on or cut up your food etc. but how long will these things take and 
at what expense to your time and energy reserve? If a PCA does these things for 
you, you can save time and energy for the really important things in life - 
like masturbation or working on the computer'.   

And Bill, would you say the same thing about watching an elderly lady with a 
bad limp and using a cane struggling to cross a parking lot carrying a large 
bag of groceries? Go granny, go! Come on you can do it and if you have another 
stroke trying at least you gave it your best shot. Bravo!

Dan - who is grateful for the compassionate ones.

At 01:10 PM 1/16/2008 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] said something that elicited my 
  I got your mail but was pondering the issue before making comments.  You 
mentioned the term "normal."
That is one word in the dictionary that I fail to comprehend in judging others. 
 I submit that when you find a perfect normal, please take a picture of it and 
share it with the rest of us.
Until you achieve the status of being independent, you have to tolerate some of 
those acts like 
those who hold the door, say G'Morning and shake your hand, as a greeting.
Sometimes, just saying thank you but I'd like to try it myself.... and stick 
around I might need your
Best Wishes
In a message dated 1/16/2008 11:45:08 A.M. Central Standard Time, [EMAIL 
PROTECTED] writes:     
   Gaday Mates:    
   I am wondering if my connection with the list has been severed?  Two days 
have passed now and not one posting has been received in my email.  Or, 
everyone has already tired of my diatribe and stopped writing. (grin).   
   Seriously, I was just thinking about those of us who lead an entirely 
different lifestyle than normal people and how our lifestyle effects those 
around us.  Once again, I am only expressing my own thoughts and ideas on these 
matters.  Please do not assume me to be dictatorial or presumptuous with my 
   One of the more difficult issues I have encountered in establishing a 
relationship with others is asking them to please allow me to complete whatever 
task I may be attempting, without someone saying, "Here, let me do that for 
you."  This naturally comes about when they see you struggling with a project 
or catch you involved in an efforts of some sort.   
   I have learned as I know all of you have that it is necessary for us to try 
as much as we can to complete the task we are attempting, regardless of how 
awkward we may appear.  Those who do offer to help have only our best interest 
in mind, but understandably, they do not realize the amount of self-confidence 
and pride we gain when we can actually accomplish even the simplest of jobs.   
   Example.  Opening a jar, buttoning a button, picking something up.  At first 
we may not succeed, but through repeated attempts, we learn ways in which to 
overcome the daily obstacles that forever seem to be in our path.   
   Well, enough venting for today.  I'm please to actually have someone to 
express these opinions to.   
   Bill of Ill. 

  Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape in the new year. 

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