On Tuesday, January 3, 2017 at 6:54:24 AM UTC-5, Fred wrote:

> I can't help but I had this happen once using Xfce as the desktop. All
> my 'start menu' disappeared bar a few.

It happened to me at least once before under R3.1 as well, also randomly with 
no obvious or apparent cause. The System Tools menu items stayed gone for 
several weeks, then one day after new Dom0 updates they magically re-appeared 
again, with no explanation.

I can also confirm that at the login screen if I choose xfce as the desktop 
environment, the missing shortcut issue still persists, so it isn't an 
intrinsic KDE thing indeed, as surmised.

On a related note, I'm not even sure whether entries like "DispVM: Web Browser" 
are meant to appear under System Tools in R3.2, or if that is a menu glitch as 
well. Previously DispVM had its own top-level menu entry like any other AppVM, 
under which different app shortcuts appeared, so I don't know if something else 
has gone wrong.

Is there a text file somewhere in Dom0, from which the System Tools menu 
obtains its default list of items? And if so, is it possible for someone with a 
functioning menu to "dump" the contents of that file here in this thread, so 
that I can copy and paste them into my presumably broken source file here, if 
such a thing is even possible?

> I re-installed. Possibly a bug then in this case?

I would really, really, really like to avoid having to re-install my entire 
operating system just to fix some missing menu entries, especially since it 
could presumably happen again at any given time thereafter. No other template 
or app vm's are affected, only Dom0. Surely there must be some alternative way 
to fix this issue, without resorting to ssuch drastic measures. Anyone?

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