Mike Keehan:
> On 8/11/20 6:08 PM, Toptin wrote:
>> Toptin:
>>> Dear Qubes Users,
>>> I'm currently digging my way through the exceptional good Qubes
>>> documentation. Everything is nicely explained as to why a certain
>>> decision / implementation was made, except for the use of Fedora as main
>>> distribution.
>>> I wonder what's the rationale of that decision; Fedora 25 isn't even
>>> supported anymore. No offense or critic intended, just curiosity.
>>> Regards, toptin.
>> I still look for the rationale; what was/is the technical necessity to
>> use Fedora. I do not look for ideologies, because I don't have one in
>> regard to an OS. I choose an OS based on the objective I have in mind.
> This subject has been discussed many times on this list, plus there are
> documented reasons for this on the website.  You will have to search for
> them, I can't remember the urls.

I actually did search the webpage and even read the architectural design
paper and the website, but I couldn't find anything in regard technical

What I found was this:

    But why trust Fedora?

Because we chose to use Fedora as a vendor for the Qubes OS foundation
(e.g. for Dom0 packages and for AppVM packages). We also chose to trust
several other vendors, such as Xen.org, kernel.org, and a few others
whose software we use in Dom0. We had to trust somebody as we are unable
to write all the software from scratch ourselves. But there is a big
difference in trusting all Fedora packages to be non-malicious (in terms
of installation scripts) vs. trusting all those packages are non-buggy
and non-exploitable. We certainly do not assume the latter.
Taken from https://www.qubes-os.org/doc/templates/ today.

So, if that's all than it wasn't a technical decision just a choice,
probably just because the developer was used to it: see 3rd reply by
Jeff Kayser.

> Mike

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