Chris Laprise:
> On 8/10/20 12:30 PM, Toptin wrote:
>> Jeff Kayser:
>>> Here is one reason to use Fedora.
>> Ah, see... Mr Torvalds is your God. That isn't a reason at all. But
>> thanks you put a smile on my face.
>>> ~Jeff Kayser
>>> -----Original Message-----
>>> From: <> On
>>> Behalf Of Chris Laprise
>>> Sent: Monday, August 10, 2020 9:18 AM
>>> To:
>>> Subject: Re: [qubes-users] Why Fedora?
>>> This email originated from outside the organization
>>> On 8/10/20 12:05 PM, Toptin wrote:
>>>> Dear Qubes Users,
>>>> I'm currently digging my way through the exceptional good Qubes
>>>> documentation. Everything is nicely explained as to why a certain
>>>> decision / implementation was made, except for the use of Fedora as
>>>> main distribution.
>>>> I wonder what's the rationale of that decision; Fedora 25 isn't even
>>>> supported anymore. No offense or critic intended, just curiosity.
>>>> Regards, toptin.
> I think the subtext here is that Fedora gets the changes first and it
> makes a good development environment (for Linux code anyway). But that's
> also why they don't curate or test or secure it like a regular
> production-ready OS. And also why they don't care about having a wide
> array of apps.
> I'd rather see a transition to something more stable like Debian which
> is also flexible enough to let you pull in newer packages from a tiered
> repository (stable, testing, unstable, and experimental).

That was my thinking too, but still as mentioned in my previous post I
would have thought something like Arch-Linux or even Gentoo would be
better choice because both distribution are actually meta-distributions
(a distribution to build a target distribution). I worked with both and
wouldn't recommend it to an end-user but for development to build
something like Qubes? Yes, I would consider that.

Nothing against Debian. Definitely not. Very trustworthy and
knowledgeable community, but still quite a big system, especially if one
wants to strip it down. And then those unfortunate version upgrades. But
once it's installed it's rock solid.

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