On 2015-02-11, Terje Mathisen <terje.mathi...@tmsw.no> wrote:
> William Unruh wrote:
>> On 2015-02-11, Harlan Stenn <st...@ntp.org> wrote:
>>> William Unruh writes:
>>>> On 2015-02-10, Terje Mathisen <terje.mathi...@tmsw.no> wrote:
>>>> And as far as I can see, 500 or 5000 makes little
>>>> difference to the control loop. Yes, it is harder for other systems to
>>>> follow one with a large drift, but it is even harder to follow one that
>>>> jumps, which is what we get now.
>>> So what's the difference between following a jump and following a
>>> system that applies changes faster than the 500ppm that NTP is designed
>>> for?
>>> And given that reality bites, what are the tradeoffs between re-synching
>>> after a step and slowly dealing with a know offset error?
>>> We're talking about choices, and the different effects of these choices.
>>> It's one thing if a system rarely steps.  It's a bit different if those
>>> steps happen more frequently.
>> Yes. And it is either equally rare that the system will go over 500PPM,
>> but sometimes a computer can have a large "natural" drift, (even over
>> 500PPM) and that will drastically reduce the "headroom" to deal with
>> unusual situations. (ie, if the computers normal drift is 400PPM, that
>> means that the effective cap is only 100PPM, not 500).
>> stepping is much worse than high PPM since it is infinite PPM.
>> Note that were ntpd designed for 5000 PPM then anything else could
>> follow it since it could also do 5000 PPM.
>> Yes, we are talking about choices. And all I was saying was that this
>> particular choice was somewhat arbitrary.
> What you seem to disregard is the need for client computers to track a 
> server when that server (or some other up-stream source) is slewing at a 
> larger than 500 ppm rate. (Alternatively, when something happens on the 
> client computer to cause the local clock to start drifting away at high 
> rates.)

Again, I was hypothesising a static drift, not a slew. Yes, other clocks
might have trouble following a 500PPM/minute slew. But also a
100PPM/million one. But they would have no trouble with a 500PPM static

> Let's take your 5000 ppm as a starting point: Independent of the polling 
> interval it will take multiple polls to realize that the server has 
> started to slew, right?

Especially the way ntpd is designed, yes. 

> At 5000 ppm we are adjusting by 5 ms every second, which corresponds to 
> over 5 seconds over a single polling period, i.e. far more than the 128 
> ms maximum threshold.

That is why you have a mechanisn to drop the polling period, and 500PPM
in a minute is only 30ms. 
If your clock source has such a severe slew, you have trouble even if it
is only 10PPM/min.

> In fact, even a 500 ppm frequency delta means 512 ms over that single 
> poll, so you cannot track any fast changes in frequency if your clock 
> has currently stabilized at 1024 s polls.

That is why ntpd has the ability to change poll intervals. 

> With the default minimum poll of 64 sec however, 500 ppm results in just 
> 32 ms of offset, which means that you have 4 full polling periods to 
> realize that you have to adjust the local clock and thereby avoid the 
> 128 ms limit.
> It should by now be obvious that the numbers 64 sec, 500 ppm, half of 
> the last 8 samples and 128 ms are all very closely related!

Oh, I do not doubt that they are related. But that does not mean that
they cannot all be changed. 

> Yes, it is possible to slew much faster, but only if you start gradually 
> enough that all clients will realize that the dispersion is increasing 
> and that they must reduce the polling interval, and only if you spend at 
> least 4 polling periods for each 500ppm of frequency adjustment you want 
> to apply.

To get back to the discussion, it was on a static drift, not on a wildly
slewing system. 

> Terje

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