In article <>,
brian utterback  <> wrote:
>Dr. Mills crafted a wonderful piece of software, amazing for its time,
>but he no longer actively engages us much at all. I understand, that
>isn't his fault. But no one who does actively engage really understands
>it or knows how to improve it. Unruh has a point, we don't know if there
>isn't a better way built on statistical analysis. Perhaps a hybrid
>between the two approaches would be better still. But we don't even know
>the consequences of changing a single constant with any degree of

Some time during the mid 90s, I created a new type of control loop and wrote
an NTP implementation that uses it. In testing I verified that it is stable at
slew rates of 100000 ppm. No need to go beyond that. 

But I have no way of proving that it is correct. At the time I felt it would
take too much energy to convince Dave Mills to adopt it, and I didn't want to
promote a competing NTP implementation either. So I'm just running it for
my own ammusement.

If people feel a strong need to go beyond what NTP does (and are willing to
write the specs, code, etc.) then I can try to dig out what I still have
in this area.

We just programmed the computers to revive us when it was all over... they
were index linked to the [...] stock market prices you see, so that we'd
be revived when everybody else had rebuilt the economy enough to be able to
afford our rather expensive services again. -- Slartibartfast in THHGTTG

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