Paul writes:
> On Wed, Feb 11, 2015 at 4:32 PM, Harlan Stenn <> wrote:
> > There are times "repair" is perfectly acceptable, and we do that.
> >
> > There are times "replace" is better, and we do that.
> My point is a long drawn-out discussion of changes to the core of ntp seem
> less than productive when the announced way forward is Ntimed (despite
> mentions of NTP5).

NTPv5 is a protocol and standards effort that includes software.

That software may include ntimed, it may include the current NTP

The reason for this is that most standards can be implemented by
consensus, while folks are figuring out what they want.

That doesn't work with NTP.  With NTP, we have traditionally "made it
work" in the software, then written the spec, and folks study the hell
out of the code and spec to find any places they disagree.  When cases
are found, they are studied and the issue is fixed.  When all of this is
done, we advance the Standard.

But since network time is a meshed network of participating hosts,
having some folks play by different rules can cause problems.  That's
OK, as the system must be robust enough to handle this case.  But it
goes to making sure that what is implemented is sufficient to identify
and deal with a variety of use-cases.

Right now, ntimed is pre-release as a leaf-only client.

That's a far call from everything else the full-on existing NTP codebase
will do.

And we are just about to see if there will be continued funding for NTP
and Ntimed.

> Another way of looking at this is that it's time for nomail@example
> and unruh@invalid to start complaining about Ntimed rather than ntpd.

That's one choice...

> I certainly expect patches to continue for the NTP v4 branch.

The NTPv4 spec hasn't been finalized in the IETF yet either.

No matter which way you look, there is a *lot* of work to do.
Harlan Stenn <> - be a member!
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