Philip Meyer;469886 Wrote: 
> >I asked about this in another thread.  When the alarm fires, don't you
> >get a menu with 2 choices (turn off alarm or snooze)?  That's what is
> >indicated in the wiki.
> >
> >There is a 3rd implied choice to hit the back button to keep playing
> >the stream from the alarm (ie. get rid of the alarm fired menu).
> This is assuming that the Radio will be used as a bedroom device.  That
> is not the only use for alarms.
> I don't have a need for a Snooze funtion or Alarm off function.  I use
> the device in the kitchen, with an alarm to turn a news radio station on
> in the morning for breakfast.  I don't want to see a screen saying that
> the alarm is on, with options to turn it off or snooze, or have to
> remember to press Back before being able to access other funtions
> without losing the radio station.
> I just want the alarm to turn music on at a set time, and stay on until
> I press stop or power (i.e. usual functionality).
> There's an enhancement request that I raised which suggests that each
> alarm should be configurable, such that you can decide whether you want
> an alarm to provide snooze/alarm off functionality, or just turn music
> on and immediately exit alarm mode.

Agreed.  There should be NO menu shown when the alarm fires.  Most
alarm clocks just have the alarm go off.  You either keep it playing by
doing nothing, or you turn it off entirely.  

When the alarm goes off, you should see the time for perhaps a
configurable amount of seconds (say 5 seconds), then it automatically
should go to the now playing screen.

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