kphinney;495268 Wrote: 
> ..........Ouch.  Oxdeadbeef excluded, does this happen to you others? 
> Myself, running two or three streams simultaneously, nearly every day,
> on two SB3s and one Transporter I have yet to be - ever- disconnected,
> hung up, or missed an alarm in greater than a year....

Same here, 4 SB players often playing 4 independent streams, very
rarely is there a connection problem with MySB.
But you and I are on the US servers, seems the EU server has been
having a real tough time lately and I believe Ox is in the EU.   :(
The good news is that one of the major problems with the EU server is
huge increase in demand due to Radio sales!

That said, my Radio has occasionally had "the blues" where the WiFi
icon goes Blue indicating a lost connection to the server (MySB in this
case).  But it continues to play the stream.
A few recent (and I mean very few) attempts to reconnect to MySB has
failed, but only for a few minutes.  I suspect this has more to do with
the developers working on the MySB issue (stopping/re-booting MySB
servers?) than a genuine sustained problem here in the US like
they are seeing in the EU..... YET!
But this is purely speculation.

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