maggior;634206 Wrote: 
> Wow, how things have changed.  I was an avid swl'er in the 80's and
> 90's.  I still have my kenwood r-5000 and r-600.  I loved hunting for
> stations.  Hunting on the web just doesn't seem like it would be the
> same.  I understand that it must be a lot cheaper for the stations.

Yep, very different these days!  I still have my Drake R8b, Drake SW8,
Lowe 150, ICOM R75, and several old SW radios, including my
Hallicrafters 101MKII (a 1950s high-end receiver that looks like a '55
Chevy and weighs almost as much!....I got this mint receiver a number
of years ago on an ebay auction and realized after I (barely) won, that
I was going head-to-head with Joe Walsh (of James Gang and Eagles fame).

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