garym;670595 Wrote: 
> what sort of wifi strength were you getting reported by the RADIO when
> hooked directly to WIFI?  Keep in mind that the wifi antenna of the
> radio is not nearly as good as the wifi antenna of the bridge you've
> attached to (or a laptop, etc.).  The other issue is not wifi strength
> but wifi interference from other networks.  Use netstumbler or
> vistumber (google for programs) to find nearby networks. Make sure you
> use a different channel than the close networks.  And even moving the
> radio a few inches can make a big difference.
> This said, I have two RADIOS that are WIFI/battery and I use them all
> over my house and deck with no dropouts, even with FLAC files. My WIFI
> strength is typically between 60% and 95%, and I'm on very different
> WIFI channels than my neighbors.  So your SPECIFIC radio may have a
> wifi problem or simiply have a weak signal/interference, however there
> does not seem to be any general firmware failure of the radio with
> regard to wifi use. 
> p.s. this is a user-to-user forum. logitech doesn't really read these.
> But there are official logitech support forums for both the server and
> the SB hardware players where they do read and answer. So if you want
> info from logitech, I'd suggest posting over there.

As mentioned above, signal reports 93% (average) on the Radio, so I
doubt that's the problem.

As for interference, I live in a large block of flats and I know there
to be TONS of wireless networks and devices here without even scanning.
That said, the wireless bridge I'm testing with is also a 2.4ghz device
and it has no such problems connecting to my router and maintaining a
solid signal (from the same position as the Radio).  I've already tried
the route of testing various wireless channels and this is essentially
hopeless.  Even if I find one that will work better, it won't work for

In truth I seriously doubt Logitech is going to do anything at all to
the Radio firmware as far as wireless goes, and unless some brilliant
solution (involving changes to settings, different firmware version, or
router compatibility issues) comes from the community I'm likely to be
looking for another (product) solution.  I've tried Logitech's support
mechanisms before (email and phone) and it's not an experience I care
to repeat.


1 SB Touch, 2 x Booms, 1 x SB3, 1 x SB Radio
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