As near as I can tell there are no duplicate IPs.  Can you recommend a
Mac utility or command-line tool to list all clients on a network? 
I've tried "ping" but the Squeezeboxes do not respond to
that, though they will respond to a ping to their individual IP
addresses.  The router has a screen that's supposed to list all DHCP
clients but it's blank for some reason; in any case, that would not
list any client that uses static IP.  

I'm disinclined to reduce the router's data rate or transmit power.  I
can't see how it will prevent the Radio from dropping off the network,
and I'm afraid that it will reduce performance for devices that are
farther away (I bought this high-powered router because I was
experiencing terrible performance at the end of my house).

Perhaps I should explain that messing with the router at all makes me
very nervous.  I have a complex, heterogenous network and it seems like
every time I mess with it at all, something goes haywire.  Yesterday,
for example, I switched the router from B/G to G-only.  I had to go
around the house and make sure every device was still on line, and in
fact I did have to re-enter the password on two of them.  Later in the
evening I came home from a meeting to find that I couldn't access any
web sites at all, and in fact I could not even access the wireless
router itself, even via Ethernet (though, weirdly, I could access the
other devices in the house).  I power-cycled the router and everything
came back.  But then this morning my TiVo complained it could not find
its server.  I rebooted the router a second time and now everything
seems to be fine, but I have low confidence that this will continue if
I keep changing the settings.

This is why I'm hoping that throwing money at the problem and buying a
new Radio might cure the problem, because I'd rather spend money than
keep spending time messing with every device on my network.  But I
would like to find out if there's any chance at all that a new Radio
will be any better.

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