Awak biaso mandanga istilah "Angku Kali". Taruih tarang alun panah 
tadanga dek ambo istilah atau lembaga istilah "Angku Maazun" di 
Kampuang Awak, cuma "Angku Kali". Kalau memang ado istilah maazun tu 
tantu panggilannyo "Angku Maazun". 

Nah dengan dimuloinyo langkah baru dek Amal Soliman, 32, the first 
female maazun ko tantu nanti ado lo istilah "Bundo Maazun" 
saroman "Bundo Kali" nan ambo katangahkan patang.

Untuak female maazun ko apo Caro Arabnyo? "Maazunah" [Bundo 
Maazun"]? Kalau untuak female qadi tantu "Qadiyah" [Bundo Kali] yo?

Apo bedanyo Maazun jo Qadi?

My Egypt - My Love 
For those who are fighting hard to keep our values, religion and 
culture; for those who are fighting harder to destroy them, I have 
this blog.

Saturday, March 01, 2008
Another First: A Female Maazun 

Once again Egypt continues to challenge previously held perceptions 
of social order, while shaking the foundation of a male dominated 
culture by appointing the first female maazun. This controversial 
step comes just 5 years after Egypt appointed their first female 
judge, and just one year after the appointment of an additional 30 
female judges. Amal Soliman, 32, the first female maazun (or notary) 
who also holds a masters degree in law, will read verses from the 
Qur'an at ceremonies, sign marriage certificates and authorize 
divorce contracts. Ms Soliman has said that as a woman she will be 
more able to verify if a bride really wants to marry the groom and 
is not being forced by her family, adding that she will also be 
better able to dissuade women from seeking divorce.

Needless to say in a culture where male dominance is still so 
profound, these appointments or even the very idea of such an 
appointment has met with much resistance. The resistance has come in 
all matter of form, from the insecurities of men who would never 
consider a female maazun based on perceived social constraints such 
as Ahmed Abdel Rehim who simply declared: "A woman cannot do this 
job. I would never have a female maazun at my wedding." Or Mahmud 
Ali, whose opinion was "There must be religious texts forbidding 
this... there are also obstacles on a social level, she would always 
take the woman's side."

While this feeling may be true of some, it is not however the view 
of all as demonstrated by former head of Al-Azhar University's 
religious dialogue committee Ali Saman who said "I'm not shocked at 
all, it's a purely legal job, reading Qur'anic verses and conducting 
a marriage, A maazun is a judicial assistant, a notary... so it's a 
job that women can do" however the notion of Islamic prohibitions 
against women in certain situation has led many to dispute the 
validity of these appointments. 

Al-Azhar's deputy director Sheikh Fawzi Zafzaf noted that 
while "There are no religious texts banning a Muslim woman from 
being a maazun," there are other considerations, such as "when a 
woman is menstruating she must not enter a mosque or read Qur'anic 
verses and that will affect her job, so for this reason we say it is 
not advisable to have a woman maazun." And while his somber tone may 
leave a somewhat ominous atmosphere around the appointment of a 
female maazun, it is clear from his words that while it may not be 
advisable there are certainly no restrictions against it.

The advocates of these appointments see benefits of having female 
judges, especially in family law cases, and female maazun who will 
be able to more intimately interact with potential brides, as far 
outweighing the limitations. While the majority of objections have 
been seen as concern over her ability to perform her duties while 
menstruating because according to Islamic tradition, a woman is not 
allowed to pray or read the Qur'an in a mosque during this period, 
it does not address the other three and a half weeks a month she 
would be prepared to fulfill her duties. So the question begs to be 
asked, why not? Is a woman incapable of performing such simple yet 
significant duties? We need put aside these cultural influences and 
look at it from an Islamic stance, and as stated earlier, there is 
no reason Islamicly a woman cannot perform this duty. Only through 
broadening our views and breaking away from traditionally held 
biases can we realize the rights and opportunities that should be 
open to women. Islam should hold place over national cultural 
prejudices, and as such should dictate to us what should be or 
should not be forbidden. We now see some progress, slow moving 
progress, but at least it is progress.

Egypt has once again sought to lead the way in the Middle East, if 
not the entire Muslim world and while there may be room for 
improvement in the social conditions of women it is reassuring that 
we can still see changes that just a decade ago would have been 
inconceivable. We will now watch and see how the events of Egypt 
affect its own social customs and perceptions as well as those of 
its neighbors.


> Kalau berita yang dikirimkan Mak Boes dalam bahasa
> Inggris itu. Berarti makdzun Syar'i. Yang mencatat
> sekaligus yang menikahkan itu. (Wali sekaligus
> pencatat).Dan ini memang beritanya tersebar di surat
> kabar Mesir, adanya di propinsi Mansurah. 
> Wassalamu'alaikum. Rahima.

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