Clayton, it's good to hear of your progress with the weight, but more so on the 
bike. After 13 days of EBDJ eating I rode a 200k(I'm chasing and R-12). I ate 
only salami and parmesan cheese (except for a big pickle for sodium and coffee, 
black, for caffeine. I'm caffeine free except during long rides.) It was the 
flattest ride I have ever done (intentionally) and I finished with only a short 
bonk (which I somewhat mitigated with more cheese) in the last 25 miles. I was 
pleased but since then (I'm almost 4 weeks into EDJ now) almost every ride has 
been very low energy and slow. Admittedly some of that is due to winter riding 
but my energy level on the bike has definitely been poor. Otherwise I feel good 
and at last count had lost 8 lbs. I'm reading a lot on the subject and this 
seems to make sense to me so I'm keeping at it. I'm not counting calories 
either but I am certain I'm not consuming anything near what I do on carbs, and 
I'm not hungry most of the time. Yesterdays food: Tea with coconut oil and ghee 
at 5:30am, 3 eggs with can of salmon and bleu cheese at 11:00. Afternoon snack 
of about 2 oz macadamias with some coconut flakes. Dinner was guacamole (1 
large avocado, red onion, spices) and rack of lamb, about 6 oz (pre-packaged 
and cooked from TJ's. Try it, it's delicious!) Normally I would have eaten 
double the amount of lamb but I'm trying to not go overboard on the protein. 
Then a snack later of about 2 oz almonds and coconut flakes.

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