There were two books that changed my eating and lifestyle... Blue
Zones and the  Skinny B*tch Diet. I have been meat-less ( (fish once a
week) for almost 3 years and have never felt better. I also cut way
back on fruit juices and beer ( boohoo) which dropped my blood
pressure down to perfect.   I am almost as lean as I was in my late
20's and early 30's when I was doing ton's of training and racing ( 54
now). I found the right mix of food and diet for my body/lifestyle.
But everyone is different, some people prefer the meat/vegatble diet,
some raw food and others, grapefruit juice.
I think the thing to take away from these discussions is to experimant
and find the right mix of things that works for each of us.

The other thing I've learned is that most of these "new Diet" author
have one pupose ... sell their book.


On Jan 3, 9:16 am, Garth <> wrote:
> There's just so much mis-information about food out there. It'll make
> your head spin.
> Over the course of this summer I gradually changed from eating lots of
> grains, vegetables, beans, fresh juices, eggs and occasionally chicken
> and beef .......... to one of mostly fruit, dark green leafy lettuces
> and a few nuts .
> It's still kind of new me, so I'm being patient. I have occasional
> cooked raw lentils and quinoa or Ezekiel(sprouted) bread.
> I have more energy than I've ever had. No indigestion, no gas, no
> nothing like I used to. My body recovers quicker than I've ever known.
> I now sleep better than ever. I don't get tired in the afternoon.  I'm
> 45. I eat 3000-4000 calories a day and ride 14-18 miles a day right
> now, weather permitting.
> Most wonder where do I get the protein? Fruits are loaded with
> enzymes .... which are amino acids.... proteins.  Yea right, you're
> thinking!  All I can say is much of the stuff I thought I knew about
> nutrition is just not true.
> Listen , when I first heard of this way of eating I thought it was
> nuts. No F'n way can someone live on this. I had a real block in the
> protein area. I thought there was none. Then I finally got it, that
> the enzymes of raw fruit are amino acids, which in turn are the
> building blocks of protein. These aminos are the bodies preferred way
> of delivery.  I know it's hard to believe, so don't if you can't. But
> if you're sick and tired of feeling like crap ..... it's worth
> consideration.
> So hey, take it with a grain of salt .... or take it into
> consideration. ....  best wishes on a new year.

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