RSrv250.exe DOES NOT WORK WITH R-2.8.0  any more.
Thomas yesterday sent mail to the list.
You need
and the package rscproxy from CRAN

Murray Eisenberg wrote:
> Here's an excerpt from the DbgView capture:
> [3176] looking up 0 registry key at "HKCR\Software\R-core\R\InstallPath"   
> [3176] looking up 0 registry key at "HKLM\Software\R-core\R\InstallPath"   
> [3176] loading "D:\Stat\R\R-2.8\bin\rproxy.dll   
> [3176] load proxy library from "D:\Stat\R\R-2.8\bin\rproxy.dll"   
> [3176] Registry information said to load
> "D:\Stat\R\R-2.8\bin\rproxy.dll", failed!   
> [3176] load proxy library from "rproxy.dll"   
> [3176] Loading "rproxy.dll" via path failed!
> I searched for rproxy.dll but do not find it anywhere.
> What installs that and why might it not get installed?  Although I
> installed (D)COM by using RSrv250.exe, I did look into bu
> found no rproxy.* there. So I assume that either R itself or else rcom
> installs rproxy.dll?
> Thomas Baier wrote:
>> Murray,
>> Murray Eisenberg schrieb:
>>> I just did that:
>>> 1. Removed existing rcom in library
>>> 2. Opened R Console & installed rcom from CRAN (via Packages >
>>> Install package(s).
>>>    rcom is installed in the library location pointed to by
>>>    R_LIBS=d:/Stat/R/myRlib
>>>    which is set in my .Renviron file; I'm no longer using
>>>    any system environment variable for that.
>>> 3. Loaded package rcom from menu Packages > Load Package...
>>>    I note message: Loading required package: rscproxy
>>> 4. On R Console command line, execute: comRegisterRegistry()
>>>    This returns NULL.  Is that OK?
>> yes, this is ok. If you're logged in as Administrator or Power User,
>> then everything should work fine now.
>>> 5. (Should I have first uninstalled (D)COM and then reinstalled after
>>> step #4?)
>>> 6. I leave R Console open now.
>>> 7. Open Excel 2003 and fro RExcel menu select Start R.
>>>    Get error message "Could not start RServer".
>>>    Close Excel.
>> Depending on the settings of RExcel, rcom or R/Scilab (D)COM Server
>> will be used. We've just discussed rcom so far.
>>> 8. Run the (D)COM "Server 01 - Basic Test": click "Start R". Get
>>> error message "Method '~' of object '~' failed" and in StatConnector
>>> Test window see:
>>>   Initializing R...Function call failed
>>>      Code: -2147221485
>>>      Text: installation problem: unable to load connector
>>> At least now I'm not getting the VBA debugger opening. But something
>>> is still very wrong.
>> The "Basic Test" only applies to R/Scilab (D)COM Server. After
>> installing the correct version for R 2.8.0 (see the list archives for
>> postings from yesterday), this should work fine. If not, I'd recommend
>> to install DbgView and have a look at the output. For me, this output is:
>> [4356] connector:      R
>> [4356] DLL:            rscproxy.dll
>> [4356] environment:    R_HOME
>> [4356] registry key:   Software\R-core\R
>> [4356] registry value: InstallPath
>> [4356] version key:
>> [4356] version value:
>> [4356] binary dir:     bin
>> [4356] connector:      Rold
>> [4356] DLL:            rproxy.dll
>> [4356] environment:    R_HOME
>> [4356] registry key:   Software\R-core\R
>> [4356] registry value: InstallPath
>> [4356] version key:
>> [4356] version value:
>> [4356] binary dir:     bin
>> [4356] connector:      SciLab
>> [4356] DLL:            sciproxy.dll
>> [4356] environment:    R_HOME
>> [4356] registry key:   Software\Scilab\%s
>> [4356] registry value: SCIPATH
>> [4356] version key:    Software\Scilab
>> [4356] version value:  LASTINSTALL
>> [4356] binary dir:     bin
>> [4356] sc_proxy_find_connector: 008507C8/R (current R)
>> [4356] sc_proxy_find_connector: found "R
>> [4356] looking up registry key at "HKCU\Software\R-core\R\InstallPath"
>> [4356] looking up registry key at "HKLM\Software\R-core\R\InstallPath"
>> [4356] SetEnvironmentVariable("R_HOME","f:\Programme\R\R-2.8.0")
>> [4356]
>> SetEnvironmentVariable("PATH","C:\APPS\CVS\TCL\bin;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Programme\HPQ\IAM\bin;H:\LC32ENV\Tools\Version11\win\bin;H:\LC32ENV\Tools\Version11\win\cmd;C:\Programme\Microsoft
>> SQL
>> Server\90\Tools\binn\;C:\SFU\common\;C:\Programme\TortoiseSVN\bin;c:\Apps\CVS\GNU\WinCVS\CVSNT;c:\h\\LC32ENV\Tools\Version11\lc32dev\Cygnus\1.1.7\bin;c:\Programme\CVSNT\;f:\Programme\R\R-2.8.0\bin")
>> [4356] PATH 8721749s "(null)"
>> [4356] load proxy library from
>> "f:\Programme\R\R-2.8.0\library/rscproxy/libs\rscproxy.dll"
>> [4356] No Debugging of rproxy
>> [4356] R_Proxy_parse_parameters("")
>> If DbgView does not produce any output, something has gone seriously
>> wrong (on your machine). If DbgView produces a similar output, please
>> study the output if this matches the setup on your machine. Please
>> post the output if you're not sure, but also don't forget to post,
>> where R ist installed and full information about the versions of the
>> various software you have installed (R, rcom, rscproxy, R/Scilab
>> (D)COM Server,...)
>> Thomas

Erich Neuwirth, University of Vienna
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