On 11/26/2012 05:49 PM, Brenndorfer, Thomas wrote:
Enriched content added to catalogs already can do similar things, such as 
immediate access to reviews and related readers advisory services. The question 
is: how do we make our data even more amenable to these user-friendly services.

In addition, the roles people play are already meticulously recorded in a 
variety of notes in catalog records. So, yes, the implication is that catalog 
records often do have the answers or details that may exist elsewhere.


Of course, the fact that a search for Clint Eastwood as a film director will not retrieve 99.99% of the resources where he was the film director--that is, without massive edits of the millions of records in our databases--is neither here nor there. This fact shouldn't be discussed. The theory is far more important than what people experience.

Yes, it would be nice if we could click our fingers and have Clint Eastwood's headings magically add "film director" to the records where he was a director, as with all the other actors and editors and illustrators and what not, adding all their relator codes on all the zillions of other headings.

Unfortunately, the world doesn't work that way and we should not pretend that just by adding the relator codes to the new records people will be able to find what libraries have with Eastwood as a director. The public will find out soon enough. And who will get hurt? The people who search for Eastwood as a film director and get bogus results, plus the catalogers who will get blamed by everybody for making a lousy catalog that actually *decreases* access while the catalogers insist that they are *increasing* access. Ha! Ha!

As I mentioned in a previous post, it is not the idea of linked data to make your data obsolete--it is to enhance your data by sharing it with others in various, useful ways.

James Weinheimer weinheimer.ji...@gmail.com
First Thus http://catalogingmatters.blogspot.com/
Cooperative Cataloging Rules http://sites.google.com/site/opencatalogingrules/
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