Joan Wang <> wrote:

> I initially thought that RDA does not involve encoding. MARC encoding is
> another thing and technique. But it is hard, at least so far, to completely
> distinguish RDA, a resource description rule, from MARC encoding. We still
> can see shades of MARC encoding in RDA rules. For example, the optional
> addition of the function of distribution and manufacture in the statement.
> It seems to be carried over from using 260 fields.

There's that.  But if I want to qualify the function of the distributor or
manufacturer to a finer level in these transcribed elements than that of
merely "distrbutor" or "manufacturer" (e.g., printer), then RDA allows me
to do that.  This refinement may be duplicated for machine processing with
the relationship designator linked to the distributor's or manufacturer's

Mark K. Ehlert

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