> David A. Wheeler scripsit:
> > I like this idea. In a few places this patch changes return values
> > to intentionally return (values)... which is also okay by me.

On Sun, 17 Nov 2013 20:33:16 -0500, John Cowan <co...@mercury.ccil.org> wrote:
> For the record, I've never been a fan of returning zero values when you
> have nothing in particular to return.  R6RS and R7RS authorize returning
> multiple values where the continuation ignores the values, but R5RS
> does not, and indeed SCM, SigScheme, Shoe, and Owl Lisp do not permit
> it: they throw errors to `(begin (values) 3)` and `(begin (values 1 2)
> 3)`, rather than returning 3 as other R5RS systems do.


That is just mistaken, erroneous, fallacious, ill-judged,
and in a thousand other ways wrong.  It may be standards-compliant,
but still wrong.  That is really awful, I would never have guessed that.
Since the return value CAN'T matter, it SHOULD NOT matter!!!

Thanks for letting us know - that would clearly impact portability.

> In my own code,
> I always return the value of `(if #f #f)`, which is typically a Scheme's
> undefined-value value.

Yes, but if that gets back to the REPL it may do something funny.
By definition that is undefined.

> But I can live with it.

Yes, but I want to make this *more* portable not *less*.

Maybe we should define our own "no-value" value,
and use a macro to define it.  Then it can be
defined as (values) or (if #f #f) or whatever for the various Schemes.
I prefer (values) since that cannot harm a REPL, but only when
the Scheme won't blow up while using it.

I wonder what a good name would be for "no useful value".  (void)?

--- David A. Wheeler

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