David A. Wheeler scripsit:

> That is just mistaken, erroneous, fallacious, ill-judged, and in a
> thousand other ways wrong.  It may be standards-compliant, but still
> wrong.  That is really awful, I would never have guessed that.  Since
> the return value CAN'T matter, it SHOULD NOT matter!!!
> Thanks for letting us know - that would clearly impact portability.

I wouldn't worry too much about portability to SigScheme, Shoe, or Owl
Lisp, frankly.  SCM may be another matter; I'm not sure how widely used
it is any more.

> Yes, but if that gets back to the REPL it may do something funny.  By
> definition that is undefined.

By definition it's an undefined *value*.  In all the Schemes I have, it
returns either an undefined-value object (which the REPL suppresses the
printing of) or some random object such as #t or #f.  The exception is
Racket, in which it is a syntax error: there is no guarantee that the
default Racket language is Scheme conformant, though.

> > But I can live with it.
> Yes, but I want to make this *more* portable not *less*.
> Maybe we should define our own "no-value" value,
> and use a macro to define it.  

Why a macro?  It can be just a function (as it is in Chicken, named `void`)
or even just a global variable.

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