"Jörg F. Wittenberger" scripsit:

> IMHO there should be no undefined *value* as such.  It should be
> just undefined what's being returned. If - for some reason - some
> fake value need to be there to satisfy some other condition, so be
> it.  But Scheme would IMHO be better off along the default Racket
> way.

See <http://trac.sacrideo.us/wg/wiki/OneArmedIf> for details on how
different Schemes do it.  There is a fairly strong consensus to return
an "undefined-value value", but no Scheme standard prescribes such an object.

Evolutionary psychology is the theory           John Cowan
that men are nothing but horn-dogs,             http://www.ccil.org/~cowan
and that women only want them for their money.  co...@ccil.org
        --Susan McCarthy (adapted)

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