Am 17.11.2013 23:38, schrieb David A. Wheeler:
> On Sun, 17 Nov 2013 21:31:34 +0100, "Jörg F. Wittenberger":
>> In an attempt to better understand and document the source code I added
>> type annotations (using the chicken's syntax and using chicken to verify it).
> I like this idea. In a few places this patch changes return values
> to intentionally return (values)... which is also okay by me.
> Unless anyone complains soon (Alan?), I plan to add it.

It might be a bad idea to return no values instead of some undefined. 
Not sure, but I'd believe that notably chicken would do worse on 
returning no values instead of the fake value it returns for undefined 

Also the patch introduces warnings that way.

But nevertheless, I think the documentation it serves makes it worth.

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