On 7 Jun 2000, Trond Eivind[iso-8859-1]  Glomsrød wrote:

> [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Andrew Park ) writes:
> > I'm burning a RH6.2 CD with the updates in it (especially I'm concerned
> > about installer updates).  I'm just wondering whether putting the
> > updated .img in the /images is sufficient. 
> No. Mount the updates.img (or whatever it's called, haven't looked at
> it). You will find some files which will match files in the Red Hat
> tree on the CD. Copy these over the old ones.

Gotcha.  I guess I don't HAVE TO update the boot.img, bootnet.img, pcmcia.img
when burning the updated CD though?  It sounds like (from the updates
website) they're provided to allow loader to understand 'updates' flag
during the installation boot.  So ...


Thank you all those who replied (Matt Wilson, Trond and David Brumley)
What the site provides is


I've checked it out and now know that they're Anaconda modules and
shared objects that anaconda needs.  The following is the shared
objects in the updated anaconda


Where can I download the updated source for these?

Andrew Park
CDFlab Systems Administrator                       www.cdf.utoronto.ca |
Team BlueShirt Developer                             www.blueshirt.org |
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