On Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 03:51:17PM -0400, Andrew Park wrote:
> Gotcha.  I guess I don't HAVE TO update the boot.img, bootnet.img, pcmcia.img
> when burning the updated CD though?  It sounds like (from the updates
> website) they're provided to allow loader to understand 'updates' flag
> during the installation boot.  So ...


> I've checked it out and now know that they're Anaconda modules and
> shared objects that anaconda needs.  The following is the shared
> objects in the updated anaconda
>       _balkanmodule.so
>       _isys.so
>       rpmmodule.so
> Where can I download the updated source for these?
> Thanks

Umm.  I always mean to put out the source to those.  All the fixes are
in rawhide, but the binaries there aren't compatible.


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