> On Wed, 7 Jun 2000, Matt Wilson wrote:
> > >   rpmmodule.so
> > > 
> > > Where can I download the updated source for these?
> > > Thanks
> > 
> > Umm.  I always mean to put out the source to those.  All the fixes are
> > in rawhide, but the binaries there aren't compatible.

Okay, can you at least tell me which rawhide SRPM you're talking about?
I just downloaded anaconda 7.0 from rawhide mirror and some things fails
to compile even (isys.c tries to include ext2fs/ext2fs.h from somewhere,
but they're not under /usr/include...)
_balkanmodule.so compiles, but when comparing the size against the
update.img's _balkanmodule.so it is different... 
Out of curiousity, the _balkanmodule.so, _isys.so and rpmmodule.so in
the update image, how were they built?
Thank you

Andrew Park
CDFlab Systems Administrator                       www.cdf.utoronto.ca |
Team BlueShirt Developer                             www.blueshirt.org |
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