Well, I doubt any system administrator with more than a few months of
pratical experience with both NT and linux is going to say NT is more

And following advice from linux users never broke my servers -- following
advice from M$ tech support once entailed 12 hours (after a full day of
normal work) fixing the machines so that they worked (in the nominal way
that NT does) again. I often find when calling M$ tech support that I know
more about their products than they do (now *how* does Frontpage do user
authentication? :)  )

Believe me, when you're going home at sunrise because you trusted M$ tech
support linux looks better and better.

I would argue (and this is a religious argument..donning abestos underwear
:) ) that RH5.0 is not ready for production servers yet. We use 4.2 for
our servers, and don't have any real problems. This may largely be because 
we use alot of alphas, and alpha linux (rh 5.0)seems to have more library
problems than intel linux(rh 5.0). I have 5.0 on my workstation and it
generally works fine. 

And as for the original problem (though I don't recall the first post)
random reboots always make me want to run a hardware check first,
regardless of OS. Just my opinion on this one, though.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] System Administrator Epoch Internet
"Connecting The World, One Business At A Time......
By Caring About A Customers Success"

On Sun, 5 Apr 1998, David Fisher wrote:

> Date: Sun, 05 Apr 1998 22:04:54 -0400
> From: David Fisher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: RH 5 reboots without warning
> Resent-Date: 6 Apr 1998 02:02:15 -0000
> Resent-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Resent-cc: recipient list not shown: ;
> > Perhaps your troubleshooting skills could use some work.
> Without question, they could be better. I certainly wish that they were
> better. And, if I did not have many other and more pressing matters to
> attend to, such as running a business, then perhaps I could concentrate
> on improving them. Thing is, would you own and drive an automobile that
> consistently demanded that you improve your automobile troubleshooting
> skills? At a certain point, we are justified in demanding that our
> automobile or OS behave reliably without extensive troubleshooting. 
> --
>         David Fisher
>         Chief Engineer
>         Fisher Research Corporation
>         Rochester, New York
>         716 328 4230
>         fax 328 1984
> -- 
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