On Sun, 5 Apr 1998, Steven Krikstone wrote:

>  Got a problem...
>  Trying to install redhat 5 on a new customers machine.  It is a Pentium
> 200 w/MMX, with 32 megs ram. The motherboard is an Intel 82430TX, with the
> Award 4.51PG BIOS version.  For some reason, when I try booting with the
> floppy that came with redhat, the machine magically reboots as the kernel
> is loading.  As far as I can tell (the info scrolls by quickly) the kernel
> gets to the "checking for HLT instruction", and then it reboots.  I've
> double checked the jumper settings on the motherboard, and tried a few
> different types of SIMMS. Still reboots. Any ideas?  I'm trying to prove
> RedHat's quality at my workplace, and this is not helping.  They are all
> FreeBSD, BSDI 3.0 biased, and say that the rebooting is just another
> example of the poor quality and instability of Linux.  (which I know is
> _not_ true)

   You may have a bad boot floppy, grab one from the net and try it. It
may be something that simple. 


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