On Sun, Apr 05, 1998 at 09:15:20PM -0400, David Fisher wrote:
: For instance, the solution to our
: Linux-won't-see-the-network-card problem might be dead simple, but we just
: cannot find it. The books, the HOW-TOs, and the other static resources don't
: have the answers. It is much easier for us to get an NT question answered than
: it is with Linux.

NT questions getting answered faster?  That's a good one.  Your experience
must be quite different from that of most people.  I've found that when I 
have NT questions, and either ask in an NT newsgroup or ask an NT 
"professional", I'm greeted with "I get paid $xxx/hr to answer that!"

If I have a Linux question, or even more generic *nix questions, they 
get answered, in quick fashion.

Perhaps your troubleshooting skills could use some work.

Jason Costomiris <><            | Linux...
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              | "Find out what you've been missing 
http://www.jasons.org/~jcostom/ | while you've been rebooting Windows NT."
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