Hi all,
        We have all been ignoring one fact and that is for some reason
GRUB is loading part of the boot loader on the second drive.  It
apparently thinks that linux is on the second drive.  A setup where the
boot loader is on the MBR of drive A but linux is on drive B so that the
boot is A -> B -> A.  Ashley while I believe you when you say that there
is nothing on drive B would you post a fdisk listing of partitions on
drive b.  In the meantime, you can remove drive b and boot from floppy
and then reinstall GRUB with B removed from the system and note any
error messages that install prints when this occurs because either it
will install successfully or it will fail with error messages.

        To those of you, who have the theory that GRUB is loading stage1
and can't load stage2 answer the question, "how it can find stage1 and
then can't find stage2?", when both are in the same GRUB directory.  It
can not find the GRUB directory period.

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